2 comments on “How To Contribute To The World

  1. I agree with you in principle. Everything we do that is good puts a glass of wonderful out to the world. But if I had unlimited funds I personally would choose to innovate in big ways that move us farther toward a time when being poor no longer exists (for those who would rather not be), I’d move fusion forward, I’d donate to every legitimate cause, I’d eat out at very nice, very healthy restaurants much more often. I ‘d start my own publishing company and hire whomever is needed to put out great books for free but pay the authors as much as they need to have a life free of $ worries. I’d buy a riding lawn mower, and let everybody on my Block use it. I’d take art lessons, hire people to do any chore I don’t like and pay them very well. I’d repave our street. I’d shop at high-end grocery stores all the time. I could probably think of dozens more… but I must go to sleep next to one thing I’d never change… you know that’s not a pillow.

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