16 comments on “One Painting…Two Dogs

  1. Pingback: Upstate New York Vacation 2014 – Part 1 of…. | Runnin Off at the Mouth....

    • I keep thinking about what it could possibly have been other than a “visitation,” and nothing comes to mind. As Paul, below, suggests (and I though of), some kind of a test could be done…but, really, would that prove or disprove anything? After all, the dog portrait he talks about is pretty large and full of dogs, and the other portrait’s dog images were smaller than that dog portrait. But I don’t think such a test would really prove or disprove anything, because if it really was Rin Tin stopping by, other “blinds” could produce the same reaction…which doesn’t intrinsically disprove what may or may not have happened. It would just prove that Boomer can recognize the “poker dogs”…not so much disproving a visitation. To me the fact that Boomer never took issue with that portrait in the first place—nor during the rest of my stay there—is proof enough. And he didn’t sniff both dog images—just Rin Tin’s. Period. No hesitation. I was right there by his face and saw where his nose went *directly* to.

      And there’s my experience with Mac that summer day, and Mac at the top of my childhood stairs. Again, I know what I saw.

      Yes, I believe Rin Tin stopped by. I believe some pets do make post-death cameos…. :-]


  2. Well, as Twilight Zone fans, we know from “The Hunt” and “Little Girl Lost” how dogs are a bit more in tune with the supernatural than the rest of us are. Interesting post, Frank! I can see why you and your father were a bit spooked. Who knows what Boomer saw that day?

    Might not hurt to test it, though. Maybe try hanging a copy of the “dogs playing poker” picture and see what Boomer does?


  3. It wasn’t so much “spooked,” as (and I really do mean this) *amused!* We were both chuckling and questioning…there was nothing scary about it…no weird “bad” or “creepy” feelings. For me, as it was happening, I already pretty figured out what must have been happening. There was just nothing else that could explain such absolutely bizarre behavior! It was the coolest thing! Afterwards, Dad and I continued chuckling and laughing about it! It was neat to see my Dad’s reaction. :-]

    It’s not to much that I’d already made up my mind without reconsidering the evidence, observing the evidence…it’s just where the evidence led me! Sometimes the most obvious, the “easiest” explanation IS the explanation. After all, if you or anyone else has any ideas, feel free to present them! I’m all ears! :-]


  4. Pingback: Ausable Chasm – Upstate New York Vacation 2014 – Part 2 of…. | Runnin Off at the Mouth....

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  12. Pingback: Cat on a Couch | Reality Check

  13. Pingback: A Tribute To Mac | Reality Check

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